Friday, 14 January 2011

To live life is not always to walk through a meadow

Making goals, like new years resolutions are easier said than done. I've been ,OK, at creating daily goals but not great and one thing that this exercise has led me to realise that there there are some goals that although they are written down and staring me in the face I will make all manner of excuses not to do them. The question I have to ask myself is, why? Why do I throw obstacles in my path towards achieving my goals? Why is it that although I know what I am doing and I know the right path I should be on I still turn aside and go down that dark alley. What self destructive tendencies are there that lurk within me and how do i get rid of it?

I think all of you will agreed that we all have our shadow/demon self. That side of our personality that leads up down the overgrown path instead of the yellow brick road. As much as we will like to get rid of it we can't. Our shadow selves are as important to us as our light selves. After all without the darkness how can we recognise the light. It's all about balance and finding the right balance so that we can live with the opposing sides of our psyche in peace. But I'm glad my shadow shows up so often because it makes me question my reality. I, like all of us, have an image in our mind of what we are like and what we're am suppose to be. My shadow self makes me realise that sometimes, or some occasions, I am full of bullcrap. I do have a very strong will and I am not easily swayed and because of this my will manifest itself in both positive and negative aspects of my personality. Should I try to be rid of my shadow self I could be doing more harm than good. Still I try. Sometimes it's good to lose. :-)
"Kill all my demons, and my angels might die too."
Tennessee Williams

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