Saturday, 1 January 2011

2011 The Year of Action

Happy New Year 2011. The new year has opened pretty much like the old one( this is worrisome). I did some budget sheets, lazed around in bed, watched a few you tubes videos, read a few comic book, watched some television and generally bummed around the house. The new year is not something I celebrate or look forward to because it just reminds me that I am another year older and I am nowhere near achieving what I want to achieve with my life.

So this year I promised myself that I will be more action oriented than cranial oriented. I always think about what I am going to do. In fact you would be right to say I think things to a slow painful death. I know it's fear disguised as caution and reservation. So in 2011 I want to truly face my fear. No more thinking things through and worrying if I am doing the correct thing or not.

I have been thinking about this for sometime(I know, I know, sigh!!) and wondering why despite my best laid plans for success it still seems to elude me and the answer is right there in front of me. I never follow through my thoughts with actions. Sure, I make what I will admit are half hearted attempts but there is no real enthusiasm. There is always the fear that stops me from really "having a go" and just doing it.

So for 2011 I am going to be an international man of action No more thinking things through. The best way to start would be to set daily goals and accomplish them. That's 365 goals per year. I'm sure that if I were to to this at the end of the year I will see a mark change in my life. What do you think? Why don't you join me and write down 365 goals you will like to achieve on a daily basis and see if we can achieve them all.

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