Tuesday, 7 February 2012

The Power of complaining...

Working for the local government you meet a lot of interesting people. Especially in my job at social services. You learn alot about life and people and one of the things I have seen is how unfair the world can be for some people. I'm not referring to any physical, mental or learning imitations on the individual. But rather it's about how the few can grab the most and the vast majority scrounge for the few discarded favours. Social services give money to the deserving and they are all assessed on their needs. However there are the few people on the social services register that know how to buck the system to get what they want. I call them the "complainers". Because local government is accountable for their actions by various political heads there is nothing worse that having bad press where it says " council fails resident". They will do anything to avoid that including providing what I call "hush money" but the official term is compensation. There is one particular type of service user which are subject to this payout. I call them the complainers. They are the one who shout and scream and throw tantrums and threaten to call every newspaper in the land if they don't get what they want. Of course all these claims are investigated by the complaints department but more often than I am comfortable with to avoid the complaints escalating to the ombudsman They are given a "we are sorry for the delay in your service" payout and will give you a lumpsum as means of compensation(and to keep you quiet). So now the rules of the games have been set. Clients know that if they complain and really push it they can join the compensation culture and get a hand out.
I'm not saying they are all like that. But the few rotten apples do spoil the bunch. I have therefore learnt an invaluable lesson. Me, the quiet as a church mouse, think that if I eat all my vegs and don't cause any waves all the good things will happen to me, me. Boy did I get that wrong.
Two years ago I joined one of Britain's executive members flying clubs which gives me flyer miles. I realised that I am travelling a lot more lately and with this one particular airline. Loyalty should be rewarded. After all they are one of my favourite airlines. Well that relationship was sorely tested when I returned from one of my long haul trips and discovered that my air miles had not been added to my account. I gave them time and patiently waited. However after a week I thought I'll send them a gentle reminder via email querying what is happening with my air miles. I received an email back saying that they have no record of my flight that the club membership and flight details must match. I check my account and notice that my surname was placed as my first name and my first name as my surname. Silly me. Of course when I write an email explaining the mixup they will see my point of view, understand and rectify the problem and credit my miles. So off my email went with sweet innocence dreams. I waited patiently for a response. Nothing. No response. No air miles. So two weeks later getting a bit worried I sent them a letter. Nicely typed and spaced. Full contact details etc, asking can they please add my air miles, if it's okay with them. After all I did mke the trip and sent copies of my tickets as evidence and the proper order of my name. Surely this could be settled quickly and orderly. No dice.
It was now a month and a half and I had not had a response to either email or letter. And I was not happy. Infact it would be accurate to say I was in a right huff. I mean how dare they ignore me, their loyal flyer. It is by no hard stretch of the imagination for their IT people to pop into my account and change the order of the name, after I have provided them with all the evidence of the flight. I mean come on, really.
So knowing that big companies whose livelihoods depend on public goodwill particularly in a highly compatible market, fear nothing more than bad customer service I decided to hit them where it hurt. I wrote a snarky email talking about my experience and not understanding why can't they see the logic of what I am saying particularly since I provided all the evidence and if this is the way they treat their customers I would not be using their services again. Furthermore I will be recommending to my friends not to use their service. Off my email went. Two hours later I received an email saying that my account will be credited with the right amount in 3 working days time. It was. :-)
At my work they offered a scheme where I can purchase computer products at a reduced rate through my salary which also meant my paying less tax and getting a discount on the final product. It was too good an opportunity to pass up. So I placed my order and waited for my delivery. And waited for my delivery. And WAITED for my delivery. Two months later and no sign of the goods. I knew it was too good a deal.
Of course to calm our fears they periodically sent emails that they are working hard on getting the goods to us. Then one day two months after i signed my contract with them we all received an email stating that they were having problems with their suppliers and that we had a day in which to make the decision to cancel the order or continue to wait for a further four weeks at least with no guarantee of a delivery date. I WENT SPARE!
Now those of you who know me I'm generally a quiet kind of guy. A doormouse you might say. Well at least I give off that impression until you piss me off. And that's what this email did. I have always prided myself on my ability to not let my emotions get the better of me. Instead I channel my angry in getting even. BTW-that ain't a good thing.
I quickly started doing some researsch on online goods and service law. What are my rights as a consumer. What are the company's responsibilities as provider. And topped it off with a call to the trading standards agency. Now armed with knowledge. A flurry of emails started going back and forth between me and the company. I used a lot of legal terms and showed that YES Mr big business I can play hardball as well as you. My last email gave them a "do or die" choice. Give up the goods by a certain date or I'm coming after you.
The result of my little tirade was in less than a week I had my new IPhone.

So what have I learnt from this. If you want to be heard make a nusciance of yourself or as Elenor Roosevelt so eloquently put it. Speak softly but carry a big stick.


  1. Heheeh Doh mess with you eh! But you are right. I think if we know our rights and accept nothing less, our experiences would be different and better in some situations.
