June 2011. Half the year, and time to reevaluate where I am in my life. Actually I am always reevaluating myself and where I am at this point in my life. That's the problem. My friends tell me I think too much and they are right. But being able to have independent thought is one of the abilities that I don't want to give it up. It's what I take pride in myself for and perhaps this pride is my downfall. It's hard for me to let go and just "let things happen". I always need to be in control. It's the freak in me. haha.
However it's not all bad. Being so cerebral allows me to some up with brilliant ideas and I'm forever having epiphanies. My latest was I am responsible for my own experiences of life. This statement means different things to different people, but for me it means that if I'm unsatisfied with my life then the only one who can change it is me. Stop, Pause and read that again. This is an important realisation for me because as I sit here partaking of a life that is not the life I really want, I realise that truly, I am the only one that can change it. These days I tend to make future plans with this way of thinking. That in itself has been a huge shift in my thought patterns where I am always looking back over my proverbial shoulder to see where I have come from, and questioning did I make the right decisions then. This would usually lead to me becoming despondent if I believed I had made the wrong choice that led me to where I am today. However now I realise (intellectually at least, if not quite on an emotional level as yet) that there was no right or wrong choice. There was just a choice. I'm not completely over that way of thinking but I tend to look forward more often.
However despite the best of intentions without action I'm still spinning top in mud. I know exactly what I'm suppose to do to enhance my experience of life but I'm still running scared. Running away, fearing success, fearing failure. FEAR! It dominates my thinking more than i would like to admit and it finds expression in a number of insidious and inventive ways, some of which might sound familiar to you as well. I start many projects and never complete them always walking out on them to do something else or find the flimsiest of excuses to get out of something I know I should be doing. So to counter this I have decided that I am going to be selective in my choice of activities and do one thing at a time to completion. So far it's been working I start with simple things like putting away my clothes and not just leaving it on the ground or some such. But it not easy I'm only human but I do see changes.
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